Hey everyone! 

As you may have seen from my Instagram stories recently I have been doing a Few Pop-up markets across London. I started Mabe&A during the first lockdown and really wanted to get out and meet people with markets and pop-ups so I was very happy when I finally got the opportunity to do so.

I had never done markets before so wasn't sure what to expect but I have loved every minute of it. Pop-ups are great way to meet new and current customers, meet other stall holders & small businesses and to help me to fully understand what people like about my collection (this feedback is so important for when I design my future pieces). 

During our very first pop up I have learnt so much, the below image from April setting up our very first pop up at flea- our table set-up has now evolved massively!


Last week I did a full week at Seven dials market with the Pop-up club which was great! We will be doing another full week at the end of July- so keep an eye out on our stories on instagram.


